February 2013

List of Top Social Exchange sites

Top Social Exchange Sites Social Networking sites like FaceBook, Twitter, YoutTube have grown day by day and become major part of the intern...

Chile: INAPI abre Consulta Pública para Directrices de Patentes

7:19 AM
El Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Industrial de Chile (INAPI) dio hoy inicio formal al proceso de Consulta Pública para sus Directrices de ...

The secret about that data received by the Facebook from you

Facebook receive variety of various kinds of data concerning you, that you would like to understand what data they collect concerning you. S...

FTA Korea and Colombia: a success for DOs in coffee is expected

10:00 PM
Last week, we finally witness the signing of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Korea and Colombia. Negotiations finished last year in J...

IMPI y OMPI firman MoU relacionado con el Sistema de Madrid

4:42 AM
Luego del ingreso de México al Sistema de Madrid, ha comenzado a  desarrollar acciones para su puesta en marcha, como la suscripción de un M...

IP is a common interest among BRIC countries

10:00 PM
Last week the Brazilian Instituto Nacional da Propiedade Industrial ( INPI ) received leaders from the Chinese patent office ( SIPO ) and th...

Brazil: how to protect well-known marks

10:00 PM
On February 19th the Brazilian Third Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) has unanimously decided to deny the appeal sought by ...

Colombia – Sello de Denominación de Origen Protegida

7:30 AM
Hace unos días el Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo realizó el lanzamiento oficial del Sello de Denominación de Origen Protegida,...

Brasil y Perú disputan dominio <.amazon> a ® Amazon

9:06 AM
Los gobiernos del Perú y Brasil se encuentran trabados en un litigio contra Amazon, para impedir que la empresa de comercio electrónico regi...

Brazil: no patent extension for medicines

10:00 PM
The Fourth Chamber of the STJ unanimously upheld the appeal brought by the Brazilian Insituto Nacional da Propiedade Industrial (INPI) regar...

México – Entrada en vigor del Sistema de Madrid

8:49 AM
  Mañana 19 de febrero de 2013 es el día señalado para que entre en vigor el Protocolo concerniente al Arreglo de Madrid en México.   Como...

Colombia: round up cases in the world of trade marks

10:00 PM
The Colombian newspaper ‘ La Republica’ is full of goodies lately! Over the weekend I read three trade marks applications that were denied....

Paraguay: a week of 'modification' for soybeans

3:12 AM
Last Monday, 11th February, the Paraguayan’s Agriculture Ministry informed that authorization has been given to Monsanto's Intacta RR2 ...

Nueva Indicación Geográfica de producto marino chileno

1:40 AM
El pasado 30 de enero se hizo entrega en Chile de la resolución que concede la Indicación Geográfica (I.G.) al Cangrejo Dorado de Juan Ferná...

Argentina: online movies...file sharing?

10:00 PM
We read on an Argentinian newspaper that a Federal Court in Buenos Aires has ruled that Cuevana, an online movies platform, had been under j...