March 2016

Brazil: IPRs applications and a word in TT contracts

Some statistics are available from the Brazilian (INPI) indicating and releasing some numbers in regards to its services in February 2016. T...

Measuring the Strength of IP Protection: we need your help

Reading an update on  linkedin  one notices that “The European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights, on behalf of t...

Technology Transfer: linking the academy with the industry

The Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) notes in its webpage the importance of the relationship between academia and the indust...

University of Buckingham: Publication of the week

Patricia Covarrubia , “Protection of non-agricultural GIs: a window on what is happening in Latin America”, European Intellectual Property R...

A helping hand for micro and small enterprises

The Brazilian National Institute da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) together with the Ministry of Development, and the Industry and Foreign Tr...

Copyright registration goes online

The Peruvian National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) is promoting the online ap...

Genetic resources and TK: Peruvian IPO ‘will look for you, will find you, and will kill your patent’

The Peruvians claim to be the leader in the protection of genetic resources and Traditional Knowledge (TK). This recent statement was submit...