January 2015

Solved MCQ on Core Operating System Principle set-13

1) In memory management, a technique called as paging, the physical memory is broken into fixed sized blocks called ......... A. pages B. fr...

Objective Questions on Core Operating System set-12

1) An optimal scheduling algorithm in terms of minimizing the average waiting time of a given set of process is ... A. FCFS scheduling B. Ro...

Interview Questions on Operating System Basis set-11

1) Which of the following is crucial time while accessing data on the disk? A. Seek time B. Rotational time C. Transmission time D. Waiting ...

MCQ on Operating System Fundamental set-10

1) The process of storing extra or duplicate information used for rebuilding the lost information in event of disks failure is known as ... ...

Paraguay signs up for Marrakesh Treaty

The World Intellectual Property Organization has just issued a media release , Marrakesh Notification No. 6: Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate ...

Solved MCQ on Operating System Basis set-9

1) The process is ........ A. an instance of a program in execution B. a program only C. a processor state D. the kernel state 2) The mechan...

Brazil: starting to bloom again

The Brazilian Intellectual Property Office ( INPI ) has granted up to today 154 collective marks. my kind of flowers... The last of this reg...

MCQ Questions on Fundamental of Java set-16

1) Java programs are ........ independent. A. platform B. procedural C. high level D. Secure 2) Methods having same name, same type signatur...

Objective Questions on Core Java Language set-2

1) The methods wait() and notify() are defined in A. java.lang.String B. java.lang.Runnable C. java.lang.Object D. java.lang.Thread 2) The d...

Interview Questions on Overview of Java set-15

1) Object is an ........ of class. A. instance B. implement C. inheritance D. invoke 2) ....... is the wrapper class. A. Random B. Byte C. V...

Solved MCQ on Fundamental of Java Language set-14

1) Which of the following statement is/are true? i) The name of a java program file must match the name of the class with the extension .jav...

Marcas mejor percibidas por mexicanos y brasileños en 2014

YouGov ha publicado los resultados de su estudio anual BrandIndex en el cual se analizan todas aquellas marcas que lograron la mejor perce...

Interview Questions on Fundamental of C Language set-8

1) The control automatically passes the first statement after the loop in .. A. Continue statement B. Break statement C. Switch statement D....

Solved MCQ on Fundamental of C Language set-7

1) 'C' allows a three way transfer of control with the help of A. Unary Operator B. Relational Operator C. Ternary Operator D. Compa...

Venezuela: XL Jornadas José María Domínguez Escovar "Homenaje a Ricardo Antequera"

“La Propiedad Intelectual como herramienta de competitividad. Retos en una economía globalizada” es el título de las XL Jornadas José María...