November 2011

Some news from Cuba: biotechnology and medicines

10:00 PM
Radio Angulo from Cuba reports that the Habana is holding this week - November 28 to December 3, at the Havana’s Center of Biotechnology an...

García Márquez gana juicio por Cien Años de Soledad y el derecho a la intimidad

5:12 AM
En Colombia el Tribunal Superior de Barranquilla le dio la razón al escritor Gabriel García Márquez (Premio Nobel de Literatura, 1982) en un...

Intangible Cultural Heritage: more than IPRs

4:26 AM
The last couple of days members of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Heritage - UNESCO, has been discussin...

Acta del Comité Directivo del Sistema de Cooperación Regional en Propiedad Industrial:PROSUR

4:24 AM
Sobre el proyecto PROSUR hay variadas opiniones. Considerando que para el 30 de Noviembre está fijada la próxima reunión en Ecuador, es opor...

BRIC and Prosur in INPI’s Agenda

10:00 PM
INPI’s President in Brazil, Mr Jorge Avila will participate in the ' IP Week and Open Innovation ' to be held in Brussels, Belgium, ...

OMPI publica corrección del Informe Mundial sobre Propiedad Intelectual

12:00 PM
 La Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI) publicó esta semana en su sitio web una corrección al Informe Mundial sobre Prop...

bits and bots from Brazil

3:21 AM
Software INPI informs that one of the most important centres of innovation in the country, i.e. Pernambuco, is becoming a focus of intense ...

Brazilian University files its first international patent application

5:08 AM
The Brazilian University of Ponta Grossa ( UEPG ) has applied for the first time for an international patent application – i.e. under the Pa...

Traditional knowledge = heritage protection

5:12 AM
Later this year, I have seen a in matters of traditional knowledge. This wording may cover many things: the way perhaps a handcraft is made...

Brazil's GI: pride or products true name?

10:00 PM
The Brazilian Instituto Nacional da Propiedade Indistrial ( INPI ) announced the approval of two applications of Geographical Indication (GI...

Toucans may be facing in different directions but they may be sharing in the caring of a culture

2:57 AM
Today I bring you the news of the battle of the toucans – reported here . You may remember that the Maya Archaeology Initiative (MAI) receiv...

Mexico: IP office decided a 'kinky' case

1:20 AM
Susana Zabaleta, a Mexican singer and actress, and whose talent has being recognised this year by ‘The Cervantes Festival’ for her 25-year ...

Universidades y organizaciones públicas de Brasil lideran en PCT

2:53 AM
La nueva publicación de la OMPI titulada  World Intellectual Property Report 2011- The Changing Face of Innovation – expone cómo, en todo el...

Brazil’s IP office increases fees

6:48 AM
When you thought that the increase in your gas and electricity bills were the last and final straw that would break the camel's back,let...

Royalties and taxes: do they need to be reassessed?

6:12 AM
Karin Klempp , a specialist in commercial contracts and intellectual property, considered at the seminar held on November 9, in Rio de Janei...

Collecting Royalties in Brazil: episodic work or soap opera?

3:53 AM
In Brazil, the Central Bureau of Collection and Distribution ( ECAD ) is the body that represents musicians and is responsible for collectin...

Educational materials on the network - Don't bite off more than you can chew

5:40 AM
The Brazilian Fourth Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice ( STJ ) ruled against an educational institution to pay $ 20,000 in damages to...

Nothing wrong with old good news

5:15 AM
Back in September INTA met with some representatives of Latin America IP offices –apologies tangueros , I am not reading old newspapers I ju...

México: La batalla marcaria por la palabra Agave

4:16 AM
El Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI) está promoviendo regular el uso del nombre de la planta agave con la que se producen...

Brasil, Chile, Cuba y Ecuador apoyarán en la OMC prórroga del ADPIC a PMD

11:03 AM
Los países menos desarrollados (PMD) han pedido a la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) ampliar la prórroga para aplicar el acuerdo so...