June 2017

Sweet Colombia: bocadillo gets GI

Few opportunities I have had to try all the beautiful food from Latin America. I mean, there are so many countries that it would be no possi...

Entrevista a Pedro Roffe, recién homenajeado en Ginebra por su contribución a la Propiedad Intelectual

"La transferencia de tecnología persiste como una asignatura pendiente de la comunidad internacional. Pero con el transcurso del tiempo...

Peruvian Pisco or Chilean Pisco: a world competition

This is some news that we got in here today: the Peruvian National Institute for the Defence of Competition and Protection of Intellectual P...

Peru: modernizing IP registration

The Peruvian Intellectual Property Office (INDECOPI) announced that the Council of Ministers’ President approved the new Regulation of the N...