There are over 300 million Indigenous Peoples in the world today. They are found in every part of the world—from the Saami peoples in Lapland to Indigenous Peoples in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and North and South America. There has been an increasing focus on the international rights of Indigenous Peoples since the 2007 approval of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. As the range of topics for this conference demonstrates, contemporary legal issues on Indigenous Peoples are both old and new. The relationship of Indigenous Peoples with the state, protection of Indigenous rights in expanding global economies, and respect for and the rights in Indigenous heritage are highlighted in the presentations at this conference.
A round-table discussion will follow the speakers’ presentations.
Registration begins at 1 p.m.
Opening of the Conference: 1: 45 p.m.
Professor Susan Edwards, Director of the Centre for the Multi-Cultural Studies in Law and the Family.
Honourable Dr Jocelynne A Scutt, Chair of the Conference
Fiona Batt: “Unbundling the Property/Heritage Rights in the Restitution of Ancient Indigenous Human Remains” University of Bristol
James Roffee: “Aboriginal Australians, Alcohol and Incest: Discourse Analysis of State Responses” University of Leicester
Dr Sarah Sargent: “The Republic of Lakotah: International Legal Personality and Sovereignty after the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” University of Buckingham
Dr Valentina Vadi: “When Cultures Collide: The Protection of Cultural Landscapes and Indigenous Heritage in International Economic Law” Maastricht University
I will be there! I cannot miss to chat with Fiona Batt -- while ago the IPtango members were intrigued to know more about her project titled: “Ancient Indigenous Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and Intellectual Property Rights”.
Your attendance at this would be greatly welcome. Please let Dr Sarah Sargent that you are attending.
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