The law is there you know...but this is not enough!

2:26 AM
The Chilean ‘Camara de Diputados’ (Chamber of Deputies – MPs) approved draft agreement No 526 which demand the enfocement of Law 20,243. The draft gives support to actors who see their rights economically and morally infringed by TV channels.

The draft enforces Law 20,243 (effective since February 2008) that protects the rights and intellectuals heritage of audiovisual performers. The draft agreement notes that the “...actors and actresses are legitimately requiring to the television conglomerates and cable operators to respect their intellectual property rights and comply with current legislation” .

In this regards, Law 20,243 Art 3 provides for payment of a fee which cannot be waived for the use and reproduction of audiovisual media in which they perform. The news informs that it has been reported that free TV channels when artist have demanded the respect of their rights, they have been threatened with closure of dramatic area (i.e. soap opera), reductions of salaries and/or reducing casts. [no quite an amicable table of negotiations]. So, what is next? I mean, there is a Law that establishes rights and obligations that clearly the said TV companies do not care, you believe that a draft emphasizing or remembering that they need to do so will change they behaviour? It is good indeed to see that ‘Camara de Diputados’ are given support this enough?

The draft agreement No 526 can be found at this link (in Spanish).

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