A date to remember with a big machine

3:46 AM
The Peruvian Institute for the Defence of Competition and Intellectual Property Protection (INDECOPI) is trying to foster a culture of respect to copyright and thus, encouraging greater incentives for the development of cultural industries. In order to do so, last week the Peruvian people witnessed the destruction of at least one million 600 thousand pirated discs which have been seized in constant actions nationwide.

INDECOPI reports that approximately sixty tons of discs including music and movies were destroyed by a bulldozer at a waste treatment plant. INDECOPI also published a note explaining the following: “Piracy is the reproduction, sale, rent and any other distribution, or unauthorized use of a work, phonogram, broadcast, artistic interpretation or enforcement activity that is considered an administrative offense in contravention of legislative Decree 822 - Law on Copyright and planned crime and punishable under the Criminal Code.”

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