Brazil: ready for marble

11:30 AM
The Brazilian Insituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) informs the delivered of a certificate of Geographic Indication to producers of marble in the region of Itapemirim, Espírito Santo. The certificate was handed over during the 'Cachoeiro Stone Fair 2012'.   If you follow this blog you may be questioning whether this is old news..welll in early April we announced that 'Itapemirin' obtained GI for marble (here) but we also referred to the fact that there were some administrative proceedings pending. I am talking about a 60 day period that the producers of marble (the GI applicants in this case) had from the notification day to pay the fee for issuance of the certificate. Now, if my calculations are right, this should have happen in June! Even sooner, if payment was received. So, does anyone know why this took over 120 days? Is this common practice in Brazil?

Source INPI.

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