Last week the Peruvian Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Propiedad Intelectual (INDECOPI) as part of the ‘Week of Intellectual Property’, celebrated by awarding two collective marks.
The Directorate of Distinctive Signs (DSD) granted the two different producer associations (one in the region of Lambayeque and the other in Junin) collective marks in the production of dried mushrooms and trout respectively. Thus, by the use of the collective marks INDECOPI believes that these two associations will promote the product quality and improve the economy of Peruvian entrepreneurs.
The collective marks are:
1. ‘Hongos deshidratados Inka Wasi: De nuestra tierra a tu mesa’ (Dried mushrooms Inka Wasi: From our land to your table). The certificate was given to the Agricultural Forestry Conservation League Marayhuaca, located in the district of Incahuasi, in Lambayeque.
It is said that the mushroom is distinguished from others due to its particular qualities such as taste, texture and pleasant smell and a high nutritional value. They do grow in a forested area with at least 800 thousand pine trees. Moreover, the mushroom has gradually become much appreciated in the Peruvian gastronomy.
2. ‘Acuijunín Trucha de los Andes de Junín’ (Trout Acuijunín Junin de los Andes), was granted to the Trout Producers Association Junin. The mark became as part of UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) will to form this union in order to strengthen the trout production in the region as well as helping them with the trading systems.
INDECOPI notes that “the production of these trout is of utmost importance for national and international market due to the system of controlled production that develops during the fish production process, in addition to the implementation of good practices, hygiene and aquaculture sanitation, which it ensures quality product.”
In the week INDECOPI also saw an agreement with the Peruvian Society of Gastronomy (Apega) to develop a certification mark. With this alliance, INDECOPI will advise restaurants that are associated members to Apega. The certification mark would refer to health allowing processes to be standardized which will affect, in a positive way, the result in the quality of services delivered to consumers. To conclude INDECOPI adds that the mark will “record the compliance with good handling practices and food preservation, adding value to the gastronomic activity.” Consumers will see this mark as to represent that the service is adequate and would “feel confident”.
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