Latin America’s Most Valuable Brands 2015

For the first time, Brazilian beer brand Skol  is the most valuable brand in Latin America, according to the fourth annual BrandZTop 50 Most Valuable Latin American Brands ranking announced by Millward Brown.

This performance reflects the consistency in brand positioning of Skol, targeting its products to younger audiences more willing to adopt a brand for a lifetime and supporting its strategy with sponsorships of music festivals, which has strengthened the brand relationship with this audience.

Once again Beer, Retail, Communication Providers and Banks categories took the top 5 positions: Skol (Beer – Brazil), Corona  (Beer – Mexico), Telcel  (Communication Providers – Mexico), Bradesco   (Banks – Brazil) and Falabella  (Retail – Chile).

The beer category dominated the ranking again in 2015, conquering five of the top ten positions – four of the brands belonging to AB InBev: Skol, Corona, Brahma and Modelo.

The ranking reveals that Latin America’s leading brands have continued to defy tough economic conditions, growing the Top 50’s cumulative value to $132bn, an increase of 2% in US dollar terms.

The ranking is once again dominated by Mexican brands with their contribution by value rising from 33% last year to 37% in 2015, led by the strong performance of Corona, Telcel and Televisa. Brazilian brands took 24% of the listing value, with Beer, Food and Personal Care brands contributing 47% of that total. Chile lost share down to 15% from 20% in 2014, Colombia declined one point year on year to 15%, while Peru and Argentina both gained a single point to contribute 5% and 2% of the total value respectively.

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