In memóriam: Dr Ricardo Antequera Parilli

The iptango feels proud to announce and to invite the Latin American region to the act of conferring the 'Honorary Doctorate' (post-mortem) from the University de Los Andes, Merida Venezuela to Dr Ricardo Antequera Parilli. The act will take place in the Aula Magna de la Universidad de los Andes, Tuesday 10 November, 2015 at 11.00 am.

The invitation also extends to the unveiling of the plaque by which the library of the Specialization in Intellectual Property from the University de Los Andes is to be called Dr. Ricardo Antequera Parilli, Tuesday 10 November 2015 at 8.00 am.

Dr. Antequera Parilli was widely considered in the legal community to be one of the leading forces in intellectual property in South America. His career and dedication to IP spanned over four decades and encompassed achievements that included drafting some of the copyright (authors' rights) laws for several countries in Latin America, including Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic. He was also the co-drafter of the Intellectual Property Chapter of the Treaty of the Group of Three and Decision 351 on the Common Provisions on Copyright and Neighboring Rights of the Andean Community. His expertise extended to all aspects of intellectual property law but he was without equal in copyright law.

Along with his deep impact on IP law, Dr. Antequera Parilli greatly influenced many students through his teachings at universities throughout South America and Spain. To his students, he was a brilliant scholar, a caring professor and a devoted teacher. Often described as a "walking encyclopedia of IP", he co-authored 17 books on intellectual property and published more than 150 articles. His deep knowledge of IP together with his exceptional willingness to mentor others are qualities that colleagues, as well as his students, will remember.
En hora buena!

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