The second encounter of the Seminar Innovation and Intellectual Property in post-pandemic scenarios (in Spanish) will take place on 7 July 2020. The event is organized by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Industrial and Economic Law (CEIDIE) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires. It will cover IP, food, and agriculture in light of a post-pandemic environment. The speakers are Roxana Blasetti (CEIDIE), Rafael Pérez Miranda (UAM) and Lautaro Viscay (REAF-MERCOSUR).
On the same day, the webinar Domain Name Arbitration will be streamed on YouTube. The event is organized by the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI), the Transatlantic Intellectual Property Academy (TIPSA), and WIPO. The speakers are Luiza Berbigier Alves (WIPO) and Joe Sekhon (University of Portsmouth). Professor Laurent Manderieux (TIPSA) will moderate the session.
On 8 July 2020, the All Star Webinar: IP Management and Digitalisation with CEIPI and all International IPR SME Helpdesks and the Japan Technology Transfer Helpdesk will be held. The event is addressed to “professionals in medium-sized technologies companies, law firms and IP offices”. The webinar will cover the role of IP in digital business models and provide some examples of case studies concerning Europe, China, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Japan. Register here.
Meanwhile, WIPO and the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) are offering the webinar Current Trends in WIPO Mediation and Arbitration for Intellectual Property and Technology Disputes also on 8 July 2020. The event will cover inter alia, the usage of online case management tools, the use of technology for meetings and hearings, as well as the impact of the pandemic on contractual issues. The speakers and moderators are Ignacio de Castro (AIPPI), Aurélia Marie, Jean-Christophe Troussel, and Arno Hold (AIPPI).
On 9 July 2020, the webinar Chemical-Biological Inventions implemented by computer, a multidisciplinary approach (in Spanish) will take place. The event is organized by the Mexican Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AMPPI). The speakers are Claudia Campos, Dariana Rodríguez, Helena Sánchez, Manuel López, María Cabrera, Marina Castro, and Pablo Fuentes. Víctor Garrido will moderate the session.
The following events already started but will continue until the end of next week:
- 6 - 16 July. Seminar: Analysis of the new legislation on Intellectual Property (in Spanish), organized by AMPPI. Some speakers: Horacio Rangel, Orlando Pérez, Salvador Behar, Juan A. Dorantes, Eugenio Pérez, Nahanny Canal, Enriqueta Molina, Enrique Díaz, Vianney Romo de Vivar, Roberto Arochi, Mauricio Jalife, Juan L. Serrano, Alejandro Luna, Adolfo Athié, José Luis Caballero, Luis Schmidt, and Manuel Guerra. You can still register for the remaining sessions. Some moderators: Eryck Castillo, Fernando Becerril, Nuria Becerril, and Martin Michaus, More information here.
- 6 - 17 July. WIPO - Mexico Summer School on Intellectual Property (in Spanish), organized by WIPO. Some speakers: Juan Lozano (IMPI), Sherif Saadallah (WIPO), Isaac Lucatero (ITESM), Isabella Pimentel (WIPO), Marco Alemán (WIPO), Paolo Lanteri (WIPO), Leandro Toscano (WIPO), Jennifer Chicoski (USPTO), Juan Antonio Rodríguez Corona (Federal Court, IP Specialised Bench), Manuel Desantes (University of Alicante), Guillermo Pous, Heidi Lindner, and Kiyoshi Tsuru. Watch the opening here.
Conference “Shaping tomorrow: 3D printing and its impact on IP”
The European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) announced the conference Shaping tomorrow: 3D printing and its impact on IP will be held online from 13 to 16 July 2020.
The conference will address how 3D Printing may challenge the IP system. The speakers include António Campinos (EPO), Christian Archambeau (EUIPO), Charles W. Hull (3D Systems), Virginie Fossoul (European Commission), Heli Pihlajamaa (EPO), Rosa Maria Ballardini (University of Lapland), and Cristian Fracassi (Isinnova). The event is free but you need to register here.
Did you miss some events held the last week? The following are still available on-demand:
- 30 June. Webinar: Mapping of health innovation clusters in Brazil (in Portuguese), organized by the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI Brazil) and the Brazilian Company of Industrial Research and Innovation (EMBRAPII).
- 1 July. Webinar: Copyright and Internet Memes (in Portuguese), organized by WIPO and the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI).
- 1 - 3 July. Forum: Covid-19, USMCA and the new Law proposal for the protection of industrial innovation (in Spanish), organized by IIJ UNAM.
If you have a craving for more, review the full list of events here!
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