On 9 September 2020, the webinar The future of intellectual property in the age of hybrid technologies (in Spanish) will be streamed on Facebook. The event is part of the Permanent Seminar on Intellectual Property 2020-2 (SEPEPI) which is organized by the Legal Research Institute (IIJ) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The speaker is Professor Manuel Desantes (University of Alicante).

The webinar Industrial Designs for Brazilian Users and Stakeholders (in English and Portuguese) will be streamed on YouTube also on 9 September 2020. The event is organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI Brazil) and the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI). The panellists are Jessamyn Honculada (WIPO), Max Germeil (WIPO) and Eduardo Rodrigues Rio (INPI Brazil). Ricardo Pinho will moderate the session.
Meanwhile, the Ibero-American Federation of Law and Information Technology Associations (FIADI) is organizing the webinar Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Law (in Spanish) also on 9 September 2020. The speakers are Luis Raúl Rodríguez Oconitrillo, Humberto Martín Ruani, Edda Karen Céspedes Babilón and José Vega Gallardo. Register here.
The EPIP2020 Online Conference will take place from 9 to 11 September 2020. The event is organized by the European Policy for Intellectual Property (EPIP). The program will cover artificial intelligence, data privacy, platform regulations, the EU Digital Single Market, trade secrets, overlapping trademarks and other IPRs, as well as COVID-19 and IP. Some speakers are Marco Alemán (WIPO), Carsten Fink (WIPO), Marcus Höpperger (WIPO), Yann Ménière (EPO), Nathan Wajsman (EUIPO), Andrew Toole (USPTO), Christophe Geiger (University of Strasbourg), Daniel Gervais (Vanderbilt University), Eleonora Rosati (University of Stockholm), Nicola Searle (University of London), Irene Calboli (Texas A&M University), Estelle Derclaye (University of Nottingham), Natali Helberger (University of Amsterdam), and Lisa Ouellette (Stanford Law School).
On 10 September 2020, the Mexican Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AMPPI) will hold the webinar Women and video games: How to balance the game? (in Spanish). The speakers are Blanca Estela López Pérez (UAM-A), Diana Rodríguez Aparicio (Women in Gamex) and Dany Kino (TV UNAM). Salvador Camacho will moderate the session.
The Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI) is organizing the webinar Restriction measures to the use of trademarks (in English and Spanish) also on 10 September 2020. The speakers are Ron Cregan (UK), Antonella Salgueiro (Paraguay) and Luis Diez Canseco (Peru). María Rosa Fabara will moderate the session.
On 11 September 2020, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is offering the webinar E-commerce and Intellectual Property for Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Entrepreneurs. The speakers are Juan Hoyos (ITC), Lucille Anak Awen Jon (Malaysia), Solveig Ballo (Norway), and Gabriele Gagliani (Bocconi University). Rebecka Forsgren (WIPO Indigenous Fellow) will moderate the session.
Last but not least, IP Time will hold the webinar Web-users as creators. Legal aspects from a copyright perspective (in Spanish) also on 11 September 2020. The speaker is Pablo Solines Moreno (Ecuador).
Did you miss some events held the last week? The following are still available on-demand:
- 31 August - 3 September. Online Seminar on the Analysis of the Amendments to Intellectual Property in Mexico (in Spanish), organized by the Seminar of Patents, Trademarks and Copyright of the Faculty of Law of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Some speakers: Geidy Lung (WIPO), Carmen Arteaga (UNAM), Hugo Contreras Lamadrid (INDAUTOR), Kiyoshi Tsuru, José Luis Caballero, Martín Michaus, Mauricio Jalife, Fernando Becerril, Bernardo Herrerías, and Gastón Esquivel. Watch the panel I here; panel II and III here and here; panel IV and V here; panel VI and VII here.
- 1 September. Webinar: Medical Technology and Application of Artificial Intelligence: Overview and Regulatory Framework (in Portuguese), organized by the Paulista Association of Intellectual Property (ASPI). Speakers: Patrícia Peck Pinheiro, Elza Durham and Gilberto Takata. Moderators: Gil Meizler and Eliane Beltrame.
- 2 September. Webinar: Financing Tools for Health Innovation (in English and Spanish), organized by the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance). Speakers: María Apólito (Argentina), Juan Manuel Giner González (Argentina) and Carmelo M. Gordian (United States of America).
- 2 September. Webinar: The Innovation System of Paraná (in Portuguese), organized by the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI). Opening speakers: Maria Inez Araujo de Abreu (CESA) and Juliana L.B. Viegas (USP). Panellists: Aldo Nelson Bona (SETI) and José Maurino de Oliveira Martins (SEPARTEC). Moderator: Claudia Crisostimo.
- 2 September. The opening lecture of the Course: Strategic management of trademarks portfolio (in Portuguese), organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI). The theme of the opening lecture was the International Trademark System. Speakers: José Graça Aranha (WIPO), Kone Cesário (UFRJ) and Luciany Pelisson Creado Becker (OAB PR).
- 3 September. Webinar: Online dispute resolution for IP issues (in Spanish), organized by the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI). Speakers: Leandro Toscano (WIPO), Paul Corral (Catholic University of Ecuador) and Javier Fernández-Lasquetty. Moderator: Mary Fernández Rodríguez.
- 3 September. Webinar: Anti-discrimination compliance in the fashion industry - measures and clauses for adequacy (in Portuguese), organized by the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI) and OAB Rio de Janeiro (the Order of Attorneys of Brazil). Speakers: Humberto Adami (OAB), Fabricio Oliveira (UFF) and Ana Paula de Paula (CDMD). Moderators: Deborah Portillo (CDMD) and Renata Lisboa (CDMD).
- 4 September. Webinar: General principles applicable to Copyright contracts* (in Spanish), organized by IP Time. Speaker: Professor Delia Lipszyc.
* The webinar details were added to the page “Events” on the IPTango website after the weekly article was published.
If you have a craving for more, review the full list of events here!
Credit: the picture is courtesy of Riana Harvey. IPTango would like to express our gratitude to Riana for designing the image!
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